Language Arts
Shurley Grammar
- Place value of whole numbers and decimals
- Mastery of fundamental operations
- Story problems
- Estimating answers
- English and metric measures
- Converting measures within the same system and solving measurement equations
- Roman numerals
- Addition, subtraction, and multiplication involving fractions
- Estimation
- Averaging
- Factoring
- Divisibility rules
- Introduction to decimals
- Making change
- Reading a thermometer
- Solving equations using addition and subtraction axioms
- Graphs and scale drawing
- Basic geometric shapes
- Perimeter and area
- Using an English and metric ruler
- Time lapse
History & Geography
- Map study
- State history for six weeks
- Eight documents memorized
- The Years of Discovery
- The Years of Exploration
- The First Americans
- The English Come to America
- The New England Colonies
- The Middle and Southern Colonies
- A Picture of Colonial Life
- The Great Awakening
- The French and Indian War
- The American War for Independence
- Building a New Nation
- Our Nation Grows
- The Civil War New Frontiers
- An Age of Progress
- Beyond Our Boundaries
- The World Wars
- Time for Freedom and Responsibility
- Plants: Provision for Man and Beast
- Insects: Miniature Marvels of Creation
- Birds: Winged Wonders
- Matter: Water, Air, and Weather
- Energy: Sound and Hearing
Earth and Space
- Geology: Planet Earth
- Oceanography: Wonders of the Sea
- Astronomy: Consider the Heavens
Physical Fitness
- Your Body Framework
- The Muscle Builder
- Your Breathing Machine Personal
- A Winning Smile
- Your Body’s Cover
- Keys to Good Grooming
Interpersonal Relationships
- A Healthier You
Lessons: Salvation Series, Genesis, Life of Christ, Life of Paul (includes memory verses, hymns /choruses, and Bible doctrine)
Music Arts & Crafts
- Music theory/flutophone Traditional, patriotic, fun songs
- Basic drawing and painting techniques, color concepts, and perspective