Language Arts
Shurley Grammar
- Number recognition, counting, and writing 1–10,000 and beyond
- Numbers greatest and least
- Counting and writing to hundred thousands, by threes to 36, by fours to 48
- Ordinal numbers
- Addition facts through 18, column addition, four-digit addition with carrying
- Subtraction facts through 18, four-digit subtraction with borrowing
- Multiplication facts 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10
- Division facts 2, 3, 5, 10
- Story problems
- Multiple combinations
- Estimation
- Rounding
- Numbers before and after by ones, twos, threes, fives, tens, twenty-fives, and hundreds
- Counting and combining coins and bills
- Telling time to the nearest minute
- English and some metric measures
- Drawing and measuring lines to one-half inch
- Developing listening skills
- Calendars
- Place value to hundred thousands
- Unit fractions, comparing fractions
- Determining change
- Reading a thermometer
- Reading pictographs, bar graphs, line graphs, and circle graphs
- Roman numerals
- America’s flags and freedoms
- Early Americans
- American holidays and songs
- Colonial life
- Declaration of Independence
- American War for Independence
- Pioneers
- Civil War
- Railroads and cattle ranching
- American immigrants
- American free enterprise system and work ethic
- American inventions, inventors, scientists, and athletes
- Americans of courage and creativity
- Last states and territories added
- Good citizenship
- Creator’s design, plan, and balance
- Human brain and body systems
- Five sense organs
- Plants: parts and growth
- Animals and their habitats: oceans, ponds, forests, savannas, rainforests
- Scientific investigation
- How and where scientists work
- Science tools and safety
- Energy, force, and movement
- Work and machines
- States of matter
- Atmosphere and water cycle
- Predicting weather
- Planets and solar system
- Stars, sun, moon
- Earth: planet designed for life
Health Safety & Manners
- Posture
- Nutrition/exercise
- Rest/cleanliness
- Preventative care
- Emergency preparation at home and away from home
- Winter and water safety
- Storm safety
- Courtesy
- Kindness
- Cheerfulness
- Respect
- Thoughtfulness
- Thankfulness
- Patience
- Table manners
Lessons: Salvation Series, Life of Moses, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Jonah, Favorite Bible Stories, Christmas, Crucifixion and Resurrection (includes memory verses, hymns/choruses, and Bible doctrine)
Music Arts & Crafts
- Traditional, patriotic, fun songs
- Seasonal and keepsake projects that develop art concepts and techniques using multiple types of media