Character Development


The two Great Commandments command us to love God completely and to love our neighbor as ourselves. The second cannot be accomplished without the first.

From the earliest grades, we instill in our students the requirement to respect God-ordained authority, to respect themselves, and to respect others. This creates a culture free from bullying, name calling, and abusive actions or speech.


Our students are expected to complete their work during the school day and any homework that they are assigned. Not only does this advance their academics, but it sets a pattern for future endeavors as adults.

Many young people today are used to making excuses for their shortcomings, rather than taking responsibility for their actions. Canterbury’s structured, orderly, consistent environment fosters the development of this important character trait.


Jesus Christ identifies Himself as the way, the TRUTH, and the life. A vital aspect of the education of a child is the commitment to be honest in his/her dealings with themselves and others.

Our daily chapel services establish God’s Word as the bedrock of all the other subjects and activities that take place during the school day. We understand that children will fall short.  But our instruction not only establishes the biblical standard, but outlines God’s requirement that we confess our transgressions to receive forgiveness.


Kindness is one of the fruit of the Spirit and should not be confused with being nice. To be truly kind to others children need to understand that they are image bearers of God and that they are commanded to let their light shine. Thus, they need to reflect this often overlooked character trait in their thoughts, speech, and behavior. This foundational training is what will transform our culture to be a reflection of the Lord Jesus Christ.