Tomorrow (31-MAR), we have several events happening on campus. We have our Bells teams performing at a late-start chapel beginning at 8:45 AM and I will be distributing our quarterly awards for attendance, punctuality, honor roll, and Golden Rule. In the afternoon, our […]
March 23rd, 2023 Canterbury Families, The power disruption put several of our classes off schedule and delayed some of our end-of-quarter testing, therefore report cards are now scheduled to go home on Monday, March 27th. These should be reviewed, signed, […]
Canterbury will resume classes on Monday, March 20th at our normal operating hours. Last week’s storm knocked out power at Canterbury, but Pacific Gas and Electric was able to restore service Saturday afternoon! […]
Dear Canterbury Families, An ongoing power outage has impacted our campus and while PG&E is actively working to resolve this issue, we do not have an estimate on when power will be restored. The current projection for power restoration is […]