God has ordained the family as His basic institution to carry out the Great Commission. At Canterbury Christian School, we appreciate the trust that parents give us to help them in this important task. Whether at home or at school, […]
Training children is an all-encompassing, time-consuming enterprise given to parents by God (Deut. 6:1–7). Both quality time and quantity time are required. This Biblical mandate extends to every area of life so that all thoughts are brought into captivity to the obedience […]
Our classroom rules are based on an OBEY chart: O – Obey them that have the rule over you.B – Be like Christ in thought, word and deed.E – Every student shall not talk or get up without permission.Y – […]
In music classes with Mrs. Macias, Canterbury students experience what it means to grow and live out an authentic, joyful faith. Students learn to follow the Holy Spirit as they develop godly character and become rooted and grounded in Christ’s […]
People find it hard to believe that children as young as 5 years old can learn cursive. This was not always the case, but has resulted because public schools continue to remove traditional activities and methods from their regular curriculum. […]