Our classroom rules are based on an OBEY chart:
O – Obey them that have the rule over you.
B – Be like Christ in thought, word and deed.
E – Every student shall not talk or get up without permission.
Y – You shall not run except on the playground.
From the earliest grades at Canterbury, we instill in our students that obedience is a necessary part of serving the Lord. The commandments of God are to be obeyed, and happy are those who learn this lesson early in life.
Visitors to the Canterbury campus are often surprised at how orderly and calm our students are. Yet, watching students at recess demonstrates that we encourage them to run, jump, play, and enjoy themselves. The balance comes from teaching children that they must exercise self-control within the context of well-established rules, regardless of where they are.
Does this mean that only “perfect” children are welcomed at Canterbury? No. None of us naturally comes by self-discipline and self-control. These are things that require training and the Canterbury culture is the best reason to have students attend our school. Once children see godly behavior modeled by teachers and older students, they quickly learn to imitate it. Then, real education is possible.
Are there challenges at times? Every day. But our faculty and staff are committed to helping our students find their place in the Kingdom of Christ.
This ties in with our Vision Statement:
At Canterbury Christian School we prepare students to confidently respond to Christ’s call on their lives.