I am so thankful for this past week of Canterbury camp with our students. The joy of the Lord is present in the students and staff each day. I’m so impressed with the caliber of instruction I’ve seen our teachers introduce for “camp.” I sat in on a science experiment with the 4th grade students and the 2nd grade students have already memorized a special Bible song for their first chapel presentation.
It has been a delight to lead chapels in-person again. We’ve been recording the “lecture” portion of the chapels for our online students and you can find these online here. Today, our lower grades began their second lesson in the Gospel of St. Mark and the upper grades have been working through lessons on the Biblical patterns for prayer.
I am grateful to the parents that joined us for the Commissioning Service this past Sunday at Saint Paul’s for Canterbury’s teaching staff. If you missed the service, you find my charge for the teachers and the ceremony online here.
Our first day of school is scheduled for September 23rd with a parent orientation at 7 pm on September 22nd. We will continue to observe our Social Distancing Protocol. You can view our protocol on our website here. (https://www.canterbury.school/covid-protocols/)